Friday, November 30, 2007

I Got A Chicken?

We had a pretty good day as far as the kids not fighting today. They played in Luke's room on the bunk beds and listened to TobyMac, one of their favorite singers. I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to what they were doing until they came down singing the song J-Train only instead of singing, "I got a ticket," they were singing, "I got a chicken"! I had to laugh because they think they are so grown up listening to TobyMac but they still add in their own childish lyrics - and not even on purpose! It kind of surprised me because Luke knows the words - or at least sings - all the other songs on his CD and I've never really noticed him singing the wrong words before - I guess I will have to start paying closer attention!

This isn't the best video but you can still hear the words and get the gist of the was even taken at S0nshine Fest - some of you might have some fond memories of that wonderful event...

2 Comments For Risa:

Jamie said...

Oh my goodness, Sonshine Fest? Sleeping in the cow pastures and chasing boys and being so excited over certain band members!?!? And the bands! Those were the days!

Jodie said...

LOL that's funny. Yeah I can see how they heard chicken. LOL I got a chicken to ride to the other side.