Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

I am my father's child.

Remember when you are younger you swear you will never be like your mother? You won't do to your children what they did to you, you won't talk or act or walk - mostly out of teenage anger and frustration from not getting your own way! - the way they did, etc.? Well, I succeeded! Mostly...I have a tad bit of my mothers attitude in me but more than ever I find myself being, acting, teaching, and disciplining my children just like my dad. We were never really close while I was a teenager, probably mostly because he was unsure of how to deal with a teenage daughter! When I was little I remember some of my favorite times were spent with my dad.

In the years since I have grown into my own person I have seen us both change. He has really become more of a friend and I could talk to him everyday!

I'm proud to say that I am my father's child.

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

I also want to honor my Father-in-law today. Thanks, Dad, for such a wonderful husband. Thank you for being the father to him that you were, and still are, because of that he is the man he is today. And I know you will be reading this are one of my lurkers! :)

John, you have take care of me at times like I was your own. I couldn't be more greatful for those times.

And last but not least! Happy Father's day to my husband! :) I love you! Thank you for being such a hard working dad for our kids and providing everything that we need. :)

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