Thursday, March 01, 2007

Snow, snow, and more snow...

Just wanted to give a short update about our trip. We won't be home today. This is the second major storm that we have been through on our trip. The first one was in SD last weekend and we were unable to leave for Omaha until the roads were cleared on Monday. There was no snow when we got there and when we left there was about a foot. Today we planned on going home this afternoon but again, the snow came. It started last night with rain, then freezing rain, and this morning when we woke up there was about 6 inches of snow with ice under it. The schools and day cares are all closed and the interstate, which we need to take to go home, is closed both west and east. So, here we sit. I'm using the kids computer in the basement just waiting to be able to go home. But we probably won't be able to leave until the earliest! So, when I get home I will give more details on our trip.

Jamie, I tried to comment on your blog earlier this week and couldn't so I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and praying for you still.

3 Comments For Risa:

Anna said...

Wow what weird weather! Hope it clears up soon for you, take it slow:)

Jamie said...

That's crazy! There's just a big band from north to south of bad weather! Hope you guys get to leave soon...but not until its safe! Thanks for your prayers!

Amie said...

Hope your home now!